Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dec. 11, Thursday: Lesson 54-65 Review

Dec. 11, Thursday
Lessons 54-65
  • Midterm Review
Resources to Understand Lesson

Answers L. 40-53
40. 60 degrees, 20 degrees, 70 degrees, they are not vertical angles.
41. 120 sq. in, 24 sq ft., x(y+z) = xy +xz, 90
42. 2.72 (repeating bar over the 72), .816 (repeating bar over the 6), 0.667, 5.382
43. 6/25, 45 and 3/5, 2 and 3/8, 5.75
44. 13 R 3, 13 and 3/4, 13.75, 1.833
45. 8.6, 1.6, 340, 300
46. 52 mph, 26 mpg, $8.50, $277.50
47. (4 x 10^2) + (5 x 10^1) + (6 x 10 ^0), 24,250, 25,000,000, 0.0125
48. 0.6 (repeating bar over the 6), 66 and 2/3%, 1 and 1/10, 110%
49. 5 feet 10 inches, 75 inches, 6 ft 8 in, 4 yd 1 ft 5 in
50. 1 yd and 36 inches, 100 cm and 1 m, 16 oz and 1 lb, 360 inches
51. 1.5 x 10^7, 4 x 10^11, 5.09 x 10^6, 2.5 x 10^11
52. 29, 12, 13, 9
53. 49 boys, 25 sparrows, 405 untagged fish, skip. 

Continue working on your review: L. 54-65 Practice Set (a-d) for EACH lesson = 52 Problems.

Tonight’s Homework
FINISH L. 54-65 Practice Problems (a-d) for each lesson = 48 problems